Transforming fleets with electrification and connectivity - feat. B-ON & Ridecell

GUESTS: Stefan Krause, B-ON, and Mark Thomas, Ridecell


Improving the efficiency of urban mobility means improving not just the way we move people, but also the way we move goods – from the shipment of everything from domestic grocery deliveries to supermarket stock to online electronics orders, there are major efficiencies to be found. Some are simple, and involve management, practices and processes; others are more costly and complex, from connectivity and electrification to autonomous vehicle technology. 
We recently had the chance to speak to executives at two companies involved in improving commercial fleet efficiency – Stefan Krause, of B-ON, and Mark Thomas, of RideCell.


Stefan Krause is CEO of B-ON – an electric package delivery vehicle company that grew out of StreetScooter.
Stefan's CV includes time as CFO at BMW Group - where he helped bring the BMW i3 to market - and CFO at Deutsche Bank, as well as senior roles at Faraday Future and Fisker, and founder of Canoo.

Reach out to Stefan on LinkedIn

Mark Thomas is EVP Marketing & Alliances at Ridecell. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mark's automotive background is steeped in connectivity. Prior to Ridecell, Mark was at Cisco, Here, and Nokia.

Connect with Mark on LinkedIn


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